Continue working on your news clip with your group.  If you need to meet outside of school, this weekend is an opportune time.  Remember the due date will be 14th of March.  It has been added to the class calendar. 
Your HW is to brainstorm ideas for your new clip.  I will have a Rubric for you on Monday but right now plan at least a 5 minute video and everyone needs to participate in their own way.  Try to be creative and have fun with the assignment.  Also,
Your HW is to complete a compass on Hyperinflation or the Ruhr (whichever one you were assigned to in class).  You will be expected to meet with a partner from the other group and explain your compass to them next time in class.
HW is to watch the 1st Make Germany Pay video.  Also, try to find another example where extremism has occurred and has hurt society.  Write a paragraph about your findings in your journal (which I will collect next time).